Grimm (The Creatures of Grimm)


The Creatures of Grimm are soulless monsters plaguing Remnant. There are many types of Grimm including various types of mammals, reptiles, birds, etc which have their own appearance and abilities. Some defy explanation, manifesting as the things of nightmares, but all share the common goal of destroying mankind and its creations. Being soulless creatures, they are attracted to negative emotions such as anger, sorrow, envy and fear. They also do not need to feed to sustain life, but some prey on people due to the urge to destroy. Once slain, the corpse of a Grimm will only remain for a short period before disintegrating.



The CCT System- or Cross Continental Transmit System allows for instantaneous multimedia communication wirelessly over large distances. First developed by the Kingdom of Atlas as a gift to the rest of the world, the CCT System is reliant on four primary relay towers, with one located in each of the four Kingdoms.



Magic is a mysterious power that is generally perceived by the people from Remnant as fantasy.

Great War


The Great War is the largest war to ever take place between the four Kingdoms in Remnant. Set about 80 years before the main story, the Great War lasted for ten years.

Vytal Festival


The Vytal Festival is an international event held once every two years. It celebrates the peace between the Four Kingdoms since the end of The Great War. In addition to dances and parades, tournament battles are help by representatives of each Huntsmen Academy. Each country takes turns being a host to the event. Vale hosts the festival the year Ruby enters Beacon Academy.

Silver-eyed warriors


Silver-Eyed Warrior information is largely rooted in fairy tales. People born with silver eyes are extremely rare and are said to be destined to lead a life of a warrior. They possess special abilities not seen in others.

The Four Maidens


The Four Maidens are from a fairy tale called “The Story of the Seasons”. In Remnant, the story is told but the four sisters are believed to be pure fiction.